Minggu, 18 Mei 2014

Setup Printer HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 4625 e-All-in-One pada Jaringan Infrastruktur WiFi

Printer HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 4625 e-All-in-One adalah printer multi fungsi (Print, Scan, Photocopy, Fax) yang dilengkapi dengan perangkat komunikasi WiFi, sehingga printer ini dapat digunakan untuk mencetak dan memindai (scan) gambar atau dokumen secara bersama-sama (share) di jaringan WiFi (tanpa kabel) seperti Gambar 1 berikut.

Gambar 1 Sharing printer (print, scan) pada jaringan infrastruktur WiFi
menggunakan perangkat multiplatform

Dengan demikian tidak diperlukan lagi biaya untuk pembelian dan instalasi kabel, sehingga ruang kerja tampak rapi.


Perangkat yang perlu disiapkan untuk instal dan setup Printer HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 4625 e-All-in-One adalah Jaringan Infrastruktur WiFi, Notebook atau Desktop PC yang dilengkapi dengan perangkat komunikasi WiFi, Printer HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 4625 e-All-in-One, Kabel USB dan CD Instalasi yang disertakan dalam paket pembelian Printer, seperti terlihat pada Gambar 2 berikut.

Gambar 2 Perangkat untuk instal dan setup
Printer HP 
Deskjet Ink Advantage 4625 e-All-in-One

Pada Gambar 2 terlihat bahwa jaringan infrastruktur WiFi menggunakan Modem Router Multi SSID. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk menyesuaikan dengan perkembangan penggunaan modem router multi SSID oleh sebagian masyarakat pengguna internet.

Perlu diketahui bahwa instal dan setup printer HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 4625 e-All-in-One yang akan dijelaskan dalam tulisan ini menggunakan CD Setup dan kabel USB yang disertakan dalam paket pembelian printer. Sebagai langkah persiapan,  yang perlu dilakukan adalah :
  • Hubungkan komputer yang akan digunakan instal dan setup printer ke jaringan infratruktur WiFi melalui perangkat WiFi. Gunakan salah satu dari empat SSID yang tersedia, misalnya WiFiKu
  • Tunggu hingga komputer terhubung ke jaringan infrastruktur melalui SSID WiFiKu yang ditandai dengan WiFiKu Connected
  • Masukkan CD Setup ke CD Drive Komputer. Tunggu hingga muncul jendela AuoPlay seperti Gambar 3 berikut
Gambar 3 Jendela AutoPlay CD Setup
  • Klik Run Setup.exe. Ikuti proses selanjutnya hingga muncul jendela HP ePrintCener seperti Gambar 4 berikut
Gambar 4 Jendela HP ePrintCenter, menawarkan cara setup Online atau melalui CD
  • Pilih setup melalui CD dengan cara klik link No thanks, I prefer the basic CD installation.
  • Tunggu hingga muncul jendela status proses instalasi seperti terlihat pada Gambar 5 berikut
Gambar 5 Jendela status proses instalasi dan pesan agar sistem pengamanan komputer
mengizinkan seluruh proses instalasi printer
    Pada tahap ini dianjurkan untuk mengatur sistem pengamanan komputer agar mengizinkan berlangsungnya seluruh proses instalasi printer. 
  • Tunggu hingga muncul jendela Software Selections seperti Gambar 6 berikut.
Gambar 6 Daftar software yang direkomendasikan untuk diinstal

Instal Software Printer

Gambar 6 memperlihatkan dua cara menginstal software printer, yaitu Customize Software Selections (memilih software tertentu saja yang ingin diinstal) dan menginstal semua software yang direkomendasikan. 

Untuk menginstal software tertentu sesuai keinginan, klik tombol Customize Software Selections, dan apabila ingin mengistal semua sesuai rekomendasi, maka klik tombol NextDalam tulisan ini dipilih cara sesuai rekomendasi, yaitu langsung klik tombol Next.

Catatan : Software I.R.I.S. OCR tidak tersedia di CD Setup, akan tetapi harus dibeli secara terpisah. 
  • Klik tombol Next. Selanjutnya muncul jendela Installation Agreements and Settings seperti Gambar 7 berikut.
Gambar 7 Installation Agreements and Settings
  • Beri tanda centang pada I have reviewed and accept the installation agreements and settings apabila kita setuju 
  • Klik tombol Next untuk melanjutkan.
Gambar 8 proses instal software printer sedang berlangsung 
  • Tunggu proses instalasi software pada Gambar 8 hingga selesai.
Setup Printer

Setup printer adalah mengatur printer agar bisa berkomunikasi baik dengan komputer maupun dengan jaringan infrastruktur melalui WiFi. Untuk bisa berkomunikasi dengan jaringan infrastruktur melalui WiFi, printer harus mendapatkan IP Address dari Router yang ada di jaringan infrastruktur. Untuk mendapatkan IP Address yang pertamakalinya dari router, printer terlebih dahulu harus terhubung melalui kabel USB ke Komputer yang sebelumnya sudah terhubung dengan Router melalui WiFi. Dari sinilah Printer melalui program Setup dapat mengenali SSID Router beserta Passwordnya. Gambar 9 berikut menawarkan tiga pilihan cara menghubungkan printer ke komputer. 

Gambar 9 Program setup menawarkan pilihan koneksi printer

Oleh karena tujuan semula setup printer ini adalah untuk menghubungkan printer dengan  jaringan infrastruktur melalui WiFi sehingga bisa di-share oleh beberapa komputer dan gadget multiplatform, maka pilihan koneksinya jatuh pada pilihan pertama yaitu : 

  • Pilih Wireless - Connect the printer to your wireless network and internet 
  • Klik tombol Next untuk melanjutkan. Program Setup akan melakukan cek jaringan seperti pada Gambar 10 berikut
Gambar 10 Program Setup sedang melakukan cek jaringan
  • Tunggu hingga Program Setup menemukan jaringan infrastruktur WiFi yang ada disekitarnya.
    Oleh karena untuk yang pertamakalinya Program Setup memerlukan koneksi USB antara komputer dan printer untuk menemukan jaringan infrastruktur WiFi yang ada disekitarnya, maka Program Setup meminta menghubungkan komputer dan printer menggunakan kabel USB yang disertakan dalam paket pembelian printer, seperti pada Gambar 11 berikut.
Gambar 11 Program Setup meminta menghubungkan printer dan komputer
menggunakan kabel USB
  • Hubungkan printer dan komputer menggunakan kabel USB. 
  • Jangan diberi tanda centang pada The printer is already connected to the wireless network apabila printer belum pernah terhubung ke jaringan WiFi 
  • Tunggu hingga muncul jendela USB Connection in Progress seperti pada Gambar 12 berikut
Gambar 12 Koneksi USB sedang berlangsung
  • Tunggu hingga printer benar-benar terhubung ke komputer melalui kabel USB. Setelah terhubung, dilanjutkan dengan proses setup jaringan seperti Gambar 13 berikut
Gambar 13 Program Setup meminta diperbolehkan mendapatkan
SSID dan Password jaringan infrastruktur WiFi
    Program Setup meminta diperbolehkan memperoleh keterangan mengenai setting jaringan infrastruktur WiFi yang meliputi SSID dan Passwordnya.
  • Pilih Yes, access the computer or router.
  • Klik tombol Next untuk melanjutkan.
Gambar 14 Program Setup memberi konfirmasi mengenai
setting jaringan infrastruktur yang berhasil ditemukan.
    Gambar 14 memperlihatkan bahwa Program Setup telah berhasil mengenali setting jaringan infrastruktur WiFi yang meliputi : SSID : WiFiKu, Model komunikasi : Infrastruktur, Pengamanan : WPA2 [AES], Password : ******** (beri centang pada Show wireless password untuk mengetahui password-nya).
  • Klik tombol Next untuk melanjutkan apabila setting tersebut sudah sesuai. Selanjutnya Program Setup melakukan Setup printer pada jaringan infrastruktur seperti terlihat pada Gambar 15 berikut
Gambar 15 Program Setup melakukan setup printer pada jaringan infrastruktur WiFi
  • Tunggu hingga proses setup selesai. Selanjutnya muncul jendela Network Connection yang menunjukkan bahwa printer telah berhasil bergabung dengan jaringan infrastruktur WiFi, akan tetapi masih menunggu menerima IP Address dari Router WiFi seperti pada Gambar 16 berikut.
Gambar 16 Printer menunggu mendapatkan IP Address dari Router WiFi
  • Pilih Wait for the printer to receive an IP address (Recommended)
  • Klik tombol Next untuk melanjutkan.
Gambar 17 Proses setup printer pada jaringan infrastruktur WiFi sedang berlangsung
  • Tunggu hingga Proses selesai. Akan tetapi kadang dijumpai kegagalan printer memperoleh IP Address dari Router. Untuk itu Program Setup meminta ulang IP Address dari Router WiFi seperti terlihat pada Gambar 18 berikut
Gambar 18 Program Setup meminta ulang IP Address dari Router untuk printer
  • Pilih Request an IP address from the router again (Recommended) untuk meminta ulang IP Address
  • Klik tombol Next untuk melanjutkan. Program Setup melakukan setup ulang printer pada jaringan infrastruktur WiFi seperti terlihat pada Gambar 19 berikut
Gambar 19 Peogram Setup melakukan setup ulang printer pada jaringan infrastruktur WiFi
  • Tunggu hingga proses setup selesai. Gambar 20 berikut menunjukkan bahwa Printer sudah berhasil mendapatkan IP Address dari Router WiFi. Selanjutnya Program Setup menginstal printer jaringan, dimana Program Setup sedang mencari printer yang akan diinstal pada jaringan infrastruktur WiFi.
Gambar 20 Program Setup sedang mencari printer yang akan diinstal
pada jaringan infrastruktur WiFi
  • Tunggu hingga proses selesai. Akhirnya printer berhasil diinstal pada jaringan infrastruktur WiFi seperti terlihat pada Gambar 21 berikut.
Gambar 21 Printer berhasil diinstal pada jaringan infrastruktur WiFi
  • Klik tombol Next untuk melanjutkan. Selanjutnya Program Setup meminta untuk melepas kabel USB dari komputer dan dari printer seperti terlihat pada Gambar 22 berikut
Gambar 22 Progran Setup meminta melepas kabel USB dari komputer dan dari printer 
  • Lepas kabel USB dari komputer dan printer
  • Klik tombol Next untuk melanjutkan
Gambar 23 Program Setup sedang menghapus temporary files.
  • Tunggu hingga Program Setup selesai menghapus temporary files.

Gambar 24 Printer sudah terhubung ke jaringan infrastruktur WiFi

Gambar 24 menunjukkan bahwa LED biru pada printer menyala permanen (tidak berkedip) berarti printer sudah terhubung ke jaringan infrastruktur WiFi. Sebaliknya apabila LED biru berkedip, berarti printer sedang mencari atau sedang menghubungkan diri dengan jaringan infrastruktur WiFi.

Dengan demikian, printer sudah siap menerima perintah dari Komputer maupun dari Smartphone atau Tablet untuk mencetak (print) atau memindai (scan) gambar atau dokumen.

109 komentar:

  1. Balasan
    1. Terimakasih kembali atas kunjungannya di blog ini.

  2. sangat bermanfaat. Terima kasih yo

    1. Terimakasih kembali atas kunjungan dan komentarnya di blog ini.

  3. Mas Zain,,,,pada saat saat instal driver muncul kalimat ini: The password your entered was not accepted by the printer. please try again....nah saya kan gak tau tuh passwordnya apa,,,,jadi gimana ya mas caranya,,,,mohon pencerahannya, Terima Kasih

    1. Terimakasih banyak atas pertanyaannya.
      Sebenarnya program setup secara otomatis mengenali SSID, Model Jaringan, dan Passwordnya (password tidak kita enter sendiri) seperti diperlihatkan pada Gambar 14.
      Selain itu wireless router atau wireless accesspoint yang di jaringan kita harus mendukung WPS yang ditandai dengan adanya tombol WPS.
      Agar proses setup berjalan normal dan lancar, usahakan wireless Router atau wireless Accesspoint berada sedekat mungkin dengan Komputer wifi dan Printer wifi sehingga sinyal yang diterima oleh komputer wifi maupun printer wifi sangat kuat dan stabil.
      Demikian penjelasan saya, selamat mencoba, semoga berhasil.

  4. sangat bermanfaat sekali. terimakasih banyak.

    1. Terimakasih Mas Ipan Permana atas kunjungan dan komentarnya di Blog ini. Semoga bermanfaat dan sukses selalu.

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  59. It would be pretty difficult to set up their HP Deskjer scanner in a suitable way. The unprotected printer users may vary for generative instruction for the HP deskjet Scanner tool. That’s why; our technical engineers have fixed to advance a website i.e., Hp DJ 3755 printer enable webscan service to give more information concerning HP Deskjet Scanner setup. So, if some users give access to this link, they will get to study how helpfully printers should be set up. Once the printer has effectively been set up also in a direct format, the users can flexibly print anything from their HP Deskjet Scanner system.

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  61. It would be pretty difficult to set up their HP Envy Printer in a suitable way. The unprotected printer users may vary for generative instruction for the HP Envy Printer tool. That’s why; our technical engineers have fixed to advance a website i.e., 123.hp.com/Envy 7645 to give more information concerning HP Printer setup. So, if some users give access to this link, they will get to study how helpfully printers should be set up. Once the HP Envy Printer has effectively been set up also in a direct format, the users can flexibly print anything from their HP Envy Printer system.

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  63. In the event that you are a client of HP Deskjet printer and searching for a source that can give you definitive advances and documents for the setup of HP Deskjet Printer , mind me, you should visit HP Deskjet Printer Scanner Models. This is one step goal to find all the documents and driver applications related to all the HP Deskjet printer models. Along with this, we have indicated here a good and easy process for hp Deskjet printer setup. So for what reason would you say you are stopping? Hit the connection and appreciate top-tier printing results

  64. It would be pretty difficult to set up their HP Officejet Printer in a suitable way. The unprotected printer users may vary for generative instruction for the HP Officejet printer tool. That’s why; our technical engineers have fixed to advance a website i.e., 123.hp.com/oj to give more information concerning HP Officejet Printer setup. So, if some users give access to this link, they will get to study how helpfully printers should be set up. Once the HP Officejet printer has effectively been set up also in a direct format, the users can flexibly print anything from their HP Officejet Printer system.

  65. In the event that you are a client of HP Officejet Pro printer setup and searching for a source that can give you definitive advances and documents for the setup of HP Officejet Pro printer setup, mind me, you should visit 123.hp.com/ojpro. This is one step goal to find all the documents and driver applications related to all the HP Officejet Pro printer setup models. Along with this, we have indicated here a good and easy process for hp officejet pro printer setup. So for what reason would you say you are stopping? Hit the connection and appreciate top-tier printing results.

  66. I want multiple printers for scanning and copying help. I have chosen to pick an HP Officejet pro printer. I am a new user of HP Officejet pro Printer products, so I don’t know anything about its features and tasks. I need to start a multiple HP Officejet pro printer with the help of HP Officejet 9015 scan to computer. I am using my knowledge to open it in the internet browser and type my model number. After this command, I am finishing the next technical procedure. At the center of the process, I am experiencing issues. So I am sharing this issue with you too, guys. Could anyone refer to the right way to set up an HP Officejet pro printer using 123.hp.com/setup?

  67. Being a machinery device, different technical faults could arise during print jobs. There are so many general HP Officejet pro printer issues that multiple users may be confronting continuously and so need quick support to fix them. So, if you are a HP Officejet pro printer user and confront any error problem while printing the file, at such a point in time, you refer to visit the site Hp OJpro 9015 Printer Software and study the right troubleshooting method. Once the issue gets resolved totally, you will be able to resume your print job in a flexible manner. So, deal with all types of HP Officejet pro printer issues in one click.

  68. In the event that you are a client of HP Officejet pro printer and searching for a source that can give you definitive advances and documents for the setup of HP Officejet pro printer, mind me, you should visit 123.hp.com/ojpro9015 . This is one step goal to find all the documents and driver applications related to all the HP Officejet pro printer models. Along with this, we have indicated here a good and easy process for hp Officejet Pro printer setup. So for what reason would you say you are stopping? Hit the connection and appreciate top-tier printing results

  69. Being a machinery device, different technical faults could arise during print jobs. There are so many general HP Scanjet Printer issues that multiple users may be confronting continuously and so need quick support to fix them. So, if you are a HP Scanjet printer user and confront any error problem while printing the file, at such a point in time, you refer to visit the site HP scanjet scanner model and study the right troubleshooting method. Once the issue gets resolved totally, you will be able to resume your print job in a flexible manner. So, deal with all types of HP Scanjet Printer issues in one click.

  70. Do you have an HP printer? It needs some software to improve the performance of the HP printer, like driver software, Bluetooth driver, wifi driver, hp tango home printer model, smart app, scanner software, scan doctor. These all software are performing differently by respective works like scanning your hp printer performance, identifying the printer errors, checking ink cartridge level and also paper struck problems. So you need this type of software contact our website hp tango home printer model (hp tango home printer model)

  71. In the event that you are a client of HP Envy printer and searching for a source that can give you definitive advances and documents for the setup of HP Envy printer, mind me, you should visit 123.hp.com/Envy7640. This is one step goal to find all the documents and driver applications related to all the HP Envy printer models. Along with this, we have indicated here a good and easy process for HP Envy printer setup. So for what reason would you say you are stopping? Hit the connection and appreciate top-tier printing results

  72. Hey! I am Gregory Gladiya. I am here from the technical team to assist you in resolving the Epson printer issues. For further information on on driver install, click here: Epson ET 2760 Driver. Here you will be able to find a solution to resolve issues that are faced with Epson printers of any model.

  73. Do you have an HP Printer ? It needs some software to improve the performance of the HP printer, like HP scanner software. These all software are performing differently by respective works like scanning your hp printer performance, identifying the printer errors, checking ink cartridge level and also paper struck problems. So you need this type of software contact our website hp scanner software download (HP scanner software)

  74. Do you have an HP printer? It needs some software to improve the performance of the HP printer, like HP easy scan. These all software are performing differently by respective works like scanning your hp printer performance, identifying the printer errors, checking ink cartridge level and also paper struck problems. So you need this type of software contact our website hp easy scan download ( HP easy scan)

  75. Hello I'm Anna Stewart . I'm a 123hp printer hp deskjet 2622 wifiTo connect the HP Deskjet 2622 WiFi printer to your network, follow these steps. First, power on the printer and ensure it's within range of your WiFi router. Tap the wireless tab. Next, go to your computer or mobile device and open the WiFi settings. Choose the SSID (network name) that is connected to your router. Enter the WiFi password when prompted. After connecting, use your device to download and install the HP Smart app.

  76. Hello I'm Anna Stewart . I'm a 123hp printer hp dj 2622 printer setupNavigating the HP DJ 2622 Printer Setup Wizard is a user-friendly process to ensure a seamless start. Begin by turning on the printer and accessing the control panel. Follow on-screen prompts to select language, region, and date. Connect the printer to a power source and load paper. The wizard guides you through installing ink cartridges, prompting alignment. Choose the desired connection type, either USB or wireless, and input network credentials if applicable

  77. Hello I'm Anna Stewart . I'm a 123hp printer hp deskjet 2622 wifiSetting up the WiFi connection for your HP DeskJet 2622 ensures convenient and wireless printing. Begin by turning on the printer and locating the WiFi button. Press and hold it until the WiFi light starts to blink. Access your device's WiFi settings, choose the network labeled with your printer's name, and enter the provided password. Once connected, download and install the HP Smart app for seamless printing management. The app facilitates easy setup, allowing you to print from various devices effortlessly.

  78. Hello I'm Anna Stewart . I'm a 123hp printer hp dj 2622 printer setupInitiating HP DJ 2622 printer setup on your computer is straightforward. First things first, take the printer out of its packaging and plug it in. Turn on the printer and load it with paper. Next, connect the printer to your computer using a USB cable or establish a wireless connection if preferred. Visit the official HP website, locate the HP DJ 2622 printer drivers, and download the appropriate software for your operating system.

  79. Hello I'm Anna Stewart . I'm a 123hp printer hp printer oj 8710Setting up wireless printing on the HP Printer OJ 8710 is a seamless process that enhances convenience. Begin by ensuring the printer is connected to a power source and turned on. Access the printer's control panel and select the wireless icon. Navigate through the settings to find the wireless setup wizard. Follow the on-screen instructions, enter the network credentials, and let the printer connect to the Wi-Fi network. Once connected, download and install the necessary drivers and software on your computer or mobile device.

  80. Hello I'm Anna Stewart . I'm a 123hp printer hp officejet 8610 printerWhen seeking dependable ink cartridges for your HP OfficeJet 8610 printer, it's essential to explore reputable sources. Several options are available online, such as the official HP website, authorized retailers, and well-known e-commerce platforms. Verify the authenticity of the cartridges and opt for genuine HP products to ensure optimal performance and print quality. Customer reviews, official brand stores, and specialized office supply outlets are reliable places to find compatible and authentic ink cartridges.

  81. Hello I'm Anna Stewart . I'm a 123hp printer hp deskjet 2622 wifiHP DeskJet 2622 WiFi printing incorporates robust security measures to safeguard sensitive data. The printer typically utilizes WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) and WPA2 encryption protocols to secure the wireless connection. Users are often required to input a network password during the initial setup, adding an extra layer of protection. Additionally, the printer may support password-protected printing, ensuring that only authorized users can access and execute print jobs. Periodic firmware updates from HP address potential vulnerabilities, enhancing the overall security posture.Hello I'm Anna Stewart . I'm a 123hp printer hp deskjet 2622 wifiHP DeskJet 2622 WiFi printing incorporates robust security measures to safeguard sensitive data. The printer typically utilizes WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) and WPA2 encryption protocols to secure the wireless connection. Users are often required to input a network password during the initial setup, adding an extra layer of protection. Additionally, the printer may support password-protected printing, ensuring that only authorized users can access and execute print jobs. Periodic firmware updates from HP address potential vulnerabilities, enhancing the overall security posture.

  82. Hello I'm Anna Stewart . I'm a 123hp printer hp printer drivers unavailable errorThe "HP printer drivers unavailable" error message may appear due to various reasons. It could stem from outdated or corrupted printer drivers, network connectivity issues, or conflicts with other software. Insufficient system permissions, faulty USB connections, or printer hardware problems could also trigger this error. Additionally, recent system updates or changes to printer settings might lead to driver compatibility issues. To resolve this error, ensure your printer drivers are up to date, troubleshoot network connections, and verify printer settings. If problems persist, consider reinstalling the printer drivers or seeking assistance from HP support to rectify the issue swiftly and resume printing smoothly.
